Saturday, March 29, 2014

Pat Robertson, Do Christianity a favor and Please get off the Air

Posted by Zman

Recently on the 700 Club TV nut job preacher Pat Robertson commented about how gays used to be stoned to death and how Satan is responsible for the gay rights movement.  (Video and article below) It is people like this guy that give Christians a bad name. Now as most of you know I'm an atheist  but I know not all Christians or religious people think like this nut job. I know many people of many different faiths who are not at all like this.  They are open minded, caring people who treat others with respect and are all for marriage equality.  The problem is I know many who do think that all religious people are this closed minded. Pat, you're not doing anything to help your cause when you continually say nutty and outrageous things like this. Do your religion a favor and get off the air. You're actually making this Satan you talk about seem like the better person and god seem like the closed minded judgmental being that I'd want nothing to do with. . I mean if he is so bad then why would he be for tolerance and treating others equally. You're making this Jesus guy seem like the bad person. Does not sound like the message you should be sending. You're not making this god of yours seem all that appealing. So again. do your religion a favor and get off the air.   You are a very ignorant man who hides behind your religion to spread bigotry and hate.  

Article here 

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