Thursday, January 09, 2014

Walmart puts attendance over Safety during the Dangerous Weather this Past Weekend.

I really hate it when companies put attendance over safety. We had some pretty bad and cold weather move though our area Sunday though Tuesday. Now for those who don't know I work at Walmart and Saturday at the ten PM meeting the shift manager said if people call off Sunday when the bad weather moves though it will be held against them and those in danger of being over the allotted absences may find themselves unemployed the next time they come in. Walmart allows three call offs for a six month rolling period, Now Sunday authorities were telling people not to travel due to the blowing and drifting snow and the dangerous wind chills. I do know most people still called off and on third shift which I work seven people made it in. One woman did say she came in simply because she did not want to lose her job. Sad when a company expects people to come in even when authorities are telling people not to travel. Obviously an attendance policy is acceptable. Most companies have them but let's use some common sense. If the authorities are telling people to stay off the roads and in many cases Sunday and Monday nights in our area ticketing people for being on the roads expecting people to risk their lives to get to work is a little stupid.  I've been told other Walmart's i the area that was hit with the bad weather did the same thing. 

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