Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Massachusetts Just celebrated Ten Years of Marriage Equality, So Where Is All This Bad Stuff that is Supposed to Happen

First we here at Candidradio would like to congratulate Massachusetts on ten years of marriage equality and we are glad our home state of Illinois has finally approved the measure which will be signed in to law by Governor Pat Quinn this week. On the live show and the podcast we have talked about just how silly the anti marriage equality arguments are. They would be laughable if there were not people ignorant enough to believe them. They predict all kinds of dire consequences if we allow couples of the same sex to marry. Some even try to use the bible as an argument to why it should not be allowed but as we've pointed out many times with all the other things banned by the book of Leviticus: tattoos, eating shellfish, working on Sundays, Playing soccer on Sunday, wearing mixed fabric, There is even a requirement that a woman who has been raped has to marry her rapist, parents can kill their disobedient children, and the list goes on, that using the bible is a pretty weak argument. So now with Massachusetts having same sex marriage legal for ten years and many other countries having it for far longer, where are all these bad things that are supposed to happen. They claim it will lead to the "downfall of society as we know it" yet there is no evidence of this happening. They claim it will somehow "cheapen the family unit." again no evidence of this happening. The silly claims by the far religious right go on and on and you've heard us talk and blog about them many times. The one thing all of these silly arguments against marriage equality have in common is none of these homophobes can tell us how this stuff will happen or give any evidence that it is happening anywhere. The reason is because there arguments are false and deep down they know it. Their way of thinking is based on ignorance and fear and is thankfully dying off. Sixteen states in the U S have now approved marriage equality and the number is growing. hopefully in our lifetime marriage equality will be the law of the land and the homophobes like the Illinois Family Institute, Focus on the Family, and the American Family Association who try to hide their hate behind religion will be nothing more than a part of history that people just laugh about how ignorant and hateful those groups are. Granted there will always be homophobic people but hopefully as time goes on and we are seeing it today, that way of thinking becomes less appropriate and people except others for who they are. So congratulations Massachusetts on ten years of Marriage equality. Let's hope the rest of the country catches up very soon.

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