Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Uncreative Christian Pastor Rails Against the Evils of Rock and Roll Music

You'll get a big kick out of this one.  Religious nut case preacher John Hagee said at a sermon this weekend that " rock and roll music "is nothing more than Satanic cyanide" that needs to be taken outside of the home and burned:"  

didn't we hear this load of crap back in the 1980's?  I think he's a little late to the table on this one.  Mr. Hagee, the 1980's called, they want there religious nuts back.  We have enough of them here in 2013.  I mean calling rock music satanic? I knew these nuts were not very original but this is so dumb it is almost funny.  I also wonder if he has actually listened to rock music.  Probably not,  I'm also guessing he's never actually read the full bible either.  Most of these preacher nuts have not. 

If you want more of John Hegee's hilarity the full article is here 

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