Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Streator Illinois loses drug dectecting dog, Chief of Police rather cold about it.

When a police dog or any dog for that matter dies, this is probably not the way the police chief should announce it.  "Streator's newest drug-detecting dog, Riky, died of natural causes this weekend. Chief Kurt Pastirik said the dog is under full warranty and the city will be getting one to replace him."

The dog is a living breathing being, not a dish washer or TV. Plus the dog was a member of the police force.  That was a rather cold heartless way to announce the death of a member of law enforcement. 

Uncreative Christian Pastor Rails Against the Evils of Rock and Roll Music

You'll get a big kick out of this one.  Religious nut case preacher John Hagee said at a sermon this weekend that " rock and roll music "is nothing more than Satanic cyanide" that needs to be taken outside of the home and burned:"  

didn't we hear this load of crap back in the 1980's?  I think he's a little late to the table on this one.  Mr. Hagee, the 1980's called, they want there religious nuts back.  We have enough of them here in 2013.  I mean calling rock music satanic? I knew these nuts were not very original but this is so dumb it is almost funny.  I also wonder if he has actually listened to rock music.  Probably not,  I'm also guessing he's never actually read the full bible either.  Most of these preacher nuts have not. 

If you want more of John Hegee's hilarity the full article is here 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bill Mahar takes on an Evangelical Minister and the Bible. (Video)

This is great, Bill Mahar takes on an Evangelical minister who just beats around the bush and just can't answer the question.

Friday, July 26, 2013

316Candidradio show with Zman and Littleflurry

Click here to listen

On this show,

We almost get run over,


How little flurry and Zman differ in the ways they chose to relax after a long day at work

Quite a bit about Shedd Aquarium,

How to have fun after eating a Bloomin Onion,

People who don't know how to get on an elevator,

We'll be an Aunt and Uncle again soon,

and much much more,

email us at candidradio@gmail.com

Also follow us on Twitter, search for Candidradio

Also on Facebook search for Candidradio.

316Candidradio With Zman and Littleflurry

On this show,

We almost get run over,


How little flurry and Zman differ in the ways they chose to relax after a long day at work

Quite a bit about Shedd Aquarium,

How to have fun after eating a Bloomin Onion,

People who don't know how to get on an elevator,

We'll be an Aunt and Uncle again soon,

and much much more,

email us at candidradio@gmail.com

Also follow us on Twitter, search for Candidradio

Also on Facebook search for Candidradio.

Check out this episode!

This is so touching!!!!


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Circulating Message Falsely Accuses Pictured Man of Being a Human Trafficker

An example of someones idea of a prank gone real bad.  Whoever thought this was funny is the biggest moron on the face of the Earth or any other planet for that matter.

story here. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

KTVU Pranked With Fake Asiana Flight 214 Pilot Names (Video)

Really, they actually fell for this one.  You'd think the names would have given them some clue that it was a prank.  Plus the NTSB does not reveal pilots names who are involved in crashes.  Somebody in their news department obviously is not all that bright.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Here's an Item that will scare the Neighbors

Want to scare the neighbors or those door to door sales people.  Try the realistic baby mask.  This is probably the creepiest thing ever invented.

Here it is 

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Here is the link to listen to Last Nights Candidradio Live Show

If you could not join us last night for Candidradio Live on www.sky106.net, the link to listen to last nights show is below.  You can join us every Tuesday from 7PM-11PM EDT for tons of great music and conversation.  If you miss the show the archive link to each show is posted every Wednesday.

Here is the link to last nights Candidradio Live 

Monday, July 01, 2013

University of Virginia student arrested in near fatal mix-up with police—for buying bottled water

Posted by Zman

The actions of the police in this case are inexcusable.  First, even if they thought she was buying beer illegally the use of this kind of force was uncalled for.  Second.  Maybe they should have identified themselves as police officers.  She had no way of knowing these baffoons were cops.  All she knew was some crazed nuts with guns were tryig to break in to her car and probably kidnap and gang rape her and her room mate.  To top it off, she had bottled water not beer.  Now I don't know about you but I'm legally blind, have very little eyesight and can tell a case of bottled water from a case of beer.  If these ding dongs can't tell the difference maybe they should not be police officers.  And again, a little overkill for someone you think is buying beer under age.  Sense these officers are apparently too dumb to figure this out I'll help them do this a little better next time.  If you think someoen is buying alcohol illegally pull them over, identify yourself and ask to see their what they bought and tell them what they are suspected of doing.  See, very simple and you don't have to act like a bunch of crazed loons to do it.  There was no excuse for this action and the person who gave the green light for this and actually thought this was a good way to stop underage people from buying booze needs to be fired, tarred, feathered, and run out of town.  Oh, they actually charged her with a felony too for allegedly hitting one of the officers with her car even though she did not know he was an officer.  Thankfully they dropped that charge.  Thankfully the twenty year old woman and her room ate were not hurt of killed.  I might recommend the bunch of bozo's running this police department re think their policy on how to deal with under age drinking.  My dead grandmother (may she rest in peace) could have handled this better.  At least the police are keeping the  streets safe from those juvenile delinquents who are buying bottled water.  After all that might lead to other horrible crimes like buying fruits and vegetables maybe even candy bars and potato chips, and we can't have that now can we.

Here's the article.