Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Get On Fine by Nick McCabe in iTunes Store

Today Nick McCabe released his first single on iTunes! Get On Fine is number 83 already on the New Zealand top 100 iTunes downloads! Get it today!

Black Water

Such an exciting day! The Good Soldier Author C. J. Bilbrey's 3rd book in his Operation Vanguard series, Black Water will be released end of summer 2013!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

314Candidradio With Zman & Littleflurry

Click here to listen

On this show

lots of tech talk,

Like our FaceBook PAGE!

Little flurry talks about her class and asks Zman some of the practice test questions

Littleflurry attends the IVNUA seminar

The great flood,

The weird weather this spring,

3-D Printers,

What you can now do on the X Box 360 that is not game related,

Littleflurry wants to fly,

and much more.

email us at candidradio@gmail.com

Find us on Facebook search for Candidradio

We're also on twitter #Candidradio

Stories mentioned on the show

You Can Finally Order Pizza Using Your X Box 360

Websites Mentioned

Sky 106 Radio (Hear Zman with The Zman Express Tuesday nights at 10EDT.

Podcasts mentioned

The Nerdy Directive

3 Geeks 1 Podcast

Subscribe via I Tunes & Stitcher Radio

314Candidradio With Zman & Littleflurry

On this show

lots of tech talk,

Little flurry talks about her class and asks Zman some of the practice test questions

Littleflurry attends the IVNUA seminar

The great flood,

The weird weather this spring,

3-D Printers,

What you can now do on the X Box 360 that is not game related,

Littleflurry wants to fly,

and much more.

email us at candidradio@gmail.com

Find us on Facebook search for Candidradio

We're also on twitter #Candidradio

Stories mentioned on the show

You Can Finally Order Pizza Using Your X Box 360

Websites Mentioned

Sky 106 Radio (Hear Zman with The Zman Express Tuesday nights at 10EDT.

Podcasts mentioned

The Nerdy Directive

3 Geeks 1 Podcast

Subscribe on Stitcher Radio and I Tunes. 

Check out this episode!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

From the dumb law suit department Peoria man reportedly files suit against Derrick Rose

In the suit he claims that Rose's absence caused him mental distress and caused him to become obese.  I've heard of some dumb law suits but this has to be one of the dumbest I've heard of.  If a basketball players injury caused Mr. Thompson to have these issues I'd say he either has deeper problems or is looking for a quick way to make a buck.  I hope the judge laughs this guy out of court.

Full article here

Friday, April 19, 2013

I know it's too soon for those displaced from the 2013 500 yr FLOOD.  But I want to do anything I can to get nationwide support to all those in the path of the FLOOD.  I am going to first talk to any businesses who can pledge storage space for future use, basic needs:clothes, food, drinking water, location to live until those can return home.  If you are a business or individual that can HELP, please use your local media outlets or Candidradio.com.  More info will be posted here as details go on.  I have no desire to take in cash myself for those flooded.  However I am going to talk to banks and see how fast local banks can set up accounts to donate to.  
I can think of a million things I use daily in my home that will be needed in the future for those flooded.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

Fake charity Twitter accounts launched in light of Boston Marathon explosions

First, Littleflurry and I want to send out our thoughts to the victims of the Bombings at the Boston Marathon. Of course in times like this there are always those sick people who want to use tragedies like this to make an easy buck.  Sad to say but scams are already popping up on Twitter.  Did not take these scumbags long so be ware of them.

article here

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ten Stupid Things Theists Say

Great article about ten of the silliest things said by theists.  I think I've heard all of these and I'm sure you have too.

article here

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Backwards thinking GOP Rep Declares No One Except Those Procreating Should Have Sex, Especially Not Gays

So I guess he is saying that couples who are infertile, those like littleflurry and I who don't want kids, and older couples who are past child baring years are not supposed to have sex?  And what is the GOP's obsession with what goes on in peoples bedrooms.  Thankfully the tide is turning and fewer people are not so afraid anymore of natural biology.  A very interesting article on why many in the GOP are afriad of sex is below.

article here

From the article.

"As the states wrangle with the issues of marriage equality and the decriminalization of human behavior as related to consensual, adult sex, the voices of the frightened, the backward, the narrow-minded and the bigots come forward, if not louder, in some cases, crazier. They are, thankfully, becoming outnumbered by those who realize the cultural tide has turned, that despite the hysteria of GOP Christian fundamentalists like Rick Santorum (seen raging here about the suicide of Republicans if they choose to side with marriage equality) or Rep. Hagstrom, America-at-large is slowly becoming weary of this battle, ready to embrace the biology of it all; ready to put aside religious myopia and intolerance to simply accept others as they are, without judgment and certainly without legal intervention, and get on with other issue of importance. Hagstrom and Santorum, quite frankly, are very much on the wrong side of history."

Monday, April 08, 2013

Common Myths of the Childfree Woman

There are many myths about women who choose not ot have kids,  from being selfish, they hate kids, being uncaring and cold, etc.  Here's a good article that debunks these and other myths and explains whey they are  silly.

Full article here .

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Kansas House Passes Abortion Ban Bill Declaring "Life Begins at Fertilization"

On Friday the Kansas State House passed a sweeping abortion ban that among other things states that, "Life begins at fertilization"  The problem with this thinking is that most fertilized eggs are flushed out during a woman's period.  Most fertilized eggs don't get implanted in the uterus.  So pretty much what these ignorant people are saying is that any woman who has had more than one period and had sex is breaking the law.  Obviously these idiots have no understanding of biology.  Then again who ever accused right wingers of being educated. 

Full Story here.  

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

April Fools in North Carolina pursue state religion

Two Republican Representatives in North Carolina have proposed a bill that would establish a state religion. This bill clearly violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U S Constitution and would also deny North Carolina citizens other First Amendment rights.  These ignorant representatives actually think they can pick and choose which parts of the constitution apply to them.  It is both sad and scary that people like this get elected to public office.  Luckily this bill has very little chance of going anywhere and if it did it would be declared unconstitutional.

Here's the full article.

What's even scarier and sadder is they have other ignorant Republicans in the North Carolina House who actually support this bill.