Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spanking How it Can Backfire. My experience growing up being spanked.

Posted by Zman

A discussion on a Facebook group I belong to inspired this post.  It was  on the topic of weather spanking is abuse.  Now I will say right off that I am against spanking as punishment.  The harmful effects are well documented.  It can lead to aggression, Anxiety and Depression among other problems. (I'll put some links at the end that give mroe detail of the harmful effects) .  I can vouch for the aggression as that is what I learned from it.  I'll explain.  My sisters and I were spanked as children and not all that hard either.  Just a few taps on the rear end.  We were also slapped for mouthing off.   What this taught me was that violence was a proper way to solve a problem.  Here's what I mean.  I'd get spanked for doing  something my parents did not like so that taught me that if my sisters did something I did not like the right way to solve the problem was to hit them.   That's all I learned from being spanked.  It did not teach me right from wrong.  As I got older my parents would threaten a spanking and my thought was that they really didn't have any other way to solve a problem than threatening a spanking?  These people are not very smart.  Also it caused me to lose respect for them not gain it.  To me all spanking shows is a parent who has lost control.  I know many people who raise their kids just fine without spanking them and most of them are far better behaved and show more respect to their parents than those children who are spanked.  Heck, twenty three countries  have even outlawed the practice and their kids seem to be doing just fine (some info below in the linked articles talk about this see the Spanking Fact and Fiction article) .  If you're going to use spanking that is your choice but I think it back fires on parents more than it succeeds. I think it is a punishment who's time has passed.

some links

Spanking Detrimental to Children. 

The Long Term Effects of Spanking. 

Spanking fact and fiction 

Spanking may worsen children's aggression 

Scientific Reasons why you should NEVER hit your kids 

Canadian Study links Spanking to Psychiatric Disorders 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its sad that u lost respect for ur parents and gained that violence is ok from spanking. My fiance and I are 36 yrs old and each of us were spanked as kids as I for one did not grow up to think violence was ok by any means NOR did I lose respect for my parents. In fact I respect them more that they did spank me and taught me right from wrong. We have kids and DO NOT see anything wrong with someone spanking their kids when they are old enough to understand (Im not talking a 1 yr old or 2 yr old). And we both believe there is a fine line between spanking and abuse. Alot of people believe that is why teens are mouthy, disrespectful and cause fires, harm to others and more violence in the country cause adults are now more afraid to spank their OWN kids, cause they are afraid of someone stopping and saying something or turning them in and kids nowadays know this and use it against a parent (seen it done). We birth them and raise them and it is nobodies business to tell us how to disipline our own kids. Now if someone where abusing a child then yes, step up and say something. But 9 times out of 10 people will say something about a child being spanked and turn the other cheek when they see abuse! We agree with spanking when it is needed and as a last resort. You can only yell, do time out and such for so many times and if the child still doesn't listen a good ol' tap on the bottom isn't going to hurt them!!