Saturday, February 10, 2007

193candidradio - listener voicemails, broken camera, famous my space people 1 206 666 BAAD

Join us here as we talk about the great camera crisis, myspace friends and a new podcast you need to check out. Call 1-206-666-BAAD Intro by Nick McCabe....he is awesome!
Check out our NEW promos on keyword 'candidradio'

How many people are listening to podcasts?
According to a TDG research study, over 10 million listeners will download and listen to podcasts in 2006. Within five years the total audience size is expected to reach 56 million, spread across hundreds of thousands of podcasts. With over 14 million iPods sold in Q4 of 2005 alone, this expansion will only continue to accelerate.

Podcasts and websites we talked about.
You can find Nobilis new podcast at
check our our my space page
Helpful tips for fixing your cannon 20 D when it takes a dump.

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