Sunday, January 14, 2007

Instead of asking politicians, why not ask the soldiers???

Instead of asking all these senators and presidents and politicians if we should increase troops in Iraq, why don't we ask those directly affected, THE U.S. SOLDIERS THEMSELVES!!!!!!??????? How hard would it be to ask them, do you need help? Should we get out? How can all these politicians who sleep in a safe bed night after night and day after day and have a huge government to keep us safe, take it upon themselves to make a decision that the ones fighting on the front lines should make? They forget the little guy/gal and decide for them. How fair is that? Are the congress and president running into homemade bombs? Are they seeing their fellow comrades blown up? Are they seeing innocent people lose their lives and dealing with the trauma? I am sure there are many other situations I cannot write about as I have not experienced them, neither have the decision makers in Washington DC.

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