Tuesday, September 06, 2005

WHY?!? why?!? aren't those people being flown

To hospitals to save their lives in the south east IN THE WAKE OF KATRINA?????!!!!! I am angry! I cannot beleive the United States of America cannot save these people? When the Tsunami hit and killed thousands we were there faster than our own government took care of our own Americans. WHY President Bush......why? I'm sitting here watching Oprah and bawling my eyes out. PLEASE DONATE WWW.REDCROSS.ORG

I want everyone in the world to email, fax, mail, call this man at this address: http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

Watch Oprah and her camera crew.....black white pink green.....these are americans. If you have dish tv or direct tv, please search in your guide for oprah. I don't usually watch her show as I don't watch a ton of TV but I made a point to watch this.

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